Our Officers

President - Kari Dodd

Immediate Past President - Kendra McCluskey

1st VP/Beef Promotion - Joan Growney Blakesley

2nd VP/Beef Education - Vacant

Recording Secretary - Linda Walker

Corresponding Secretary - Jean Barton

Treasurer - Donna Marino

Membership Chairman - Linda Borror

Chair Scholarship Committee - Beth Chaney

Board of Directors

Sandy Linehan

Shelley Macdonald

Sue Knox

Joyce Bundy

Cindy McCarthy

Kendra McCluskey

Mandi Owens

Beth Chaney

JOIN TCCW You can be a member too! If you enjoy eating beef, come help us promote the industry. Everyone is welcome!
Working hard to promote beef and the livestock industry here in Tehama County!

Our Officers

President - Kari Dodd

Immediate Past President - Kendra McCluskey

1st VP/Beef Promotion - Joan Growney Blakesley

2nd VP/Beef Education - Vacant

Recording Secretary - Linda Walker

Corresponding Secretary - Jean Barton

Treasurer - Donna Marino

Membership Chairman - Linda Borror

Chair Scholarship Committee - Beth Chaney

Tehama County CattleWomen
JOIN TCCW You can be a member too! If you enjoy eating beef, come help us promote the industry. Everyone is welcome!

Board of Directors

Sandy Linehan

Shelley Macdonald

Sue Knox

Joyce Bundy

Cindy McCarthy

Kendra McCluskey

Mandi Owens

Beth Chaney

P.O. Box 1164, Red Bluff, CA 96080 *Email: Contact Us
Tehama County CattleWomen
P.O. Box 1164, Red Bluff, CA 96080 *Email: Contact Us